Back in 2018, I created a simple 2D platformer level In Unity that I called Project Trials, and a year later I wrote a retrospective analysis about some of my design choices I made for the project and how it was sort of a jumping point for my later projects.
Completing any project, even if the outcome has opportunities for improvement, provides personal growth and experience. One project that left me feeling proud and determined as a creator was my first full video game level design. After learning the basics of the Unity Gaming Engine through a summer program, I applied my newfound skills to the project. My skills proved I am capable and afforded me an understanding of what it takes to become a game designer.
I used the Unity Engine and the Unity 2-D Developers Kit for this solo project. I designed the level with three basic components of any 2-D video game level: obstacles, puzzle-solving, and a final test. The protagonists must complete each of the three trials to escape from the jungle on their ship. Players are warned by an inscription that doom awaits those who fail, which I programmed the alert to disappear after the trials are completed, adding a sense of mystery to the level. The scenery I chose tells the level’s story. The large amount of foliage in the jungle and the ruin-like interior of the trials add context to this imaginary world that engages the player.
After reading the inscriptions and jumping over obstacles that move in opposite directions, the player enters the trial ruins. The first room contains enemies that test the players’ combat skills. The player can either shoot enemies from a distance or melee them up close. I placed enemies in ways that require the use of either of these attack methods in certain situations. Once all the enemies are defeated, the next door opens. The next trial tests the players’ problem-solving and platforming skills. The second room is filled with platforms and spikes that must be avoided. The progressive path leads to the exit but the door is closed. The player must discover an alternative path which leads to a button that must be activated to open the second door. The final trial is a boss fight that utilizes the test players’ skills they learned in the first two rooms. The boss fight is a larger version of the basic enemies from the first trial with more health. The room also has platforms the player can use to their advantage when fighting the boss, but to use them they must avoid the spikes on the edges of the platform. After the boss is defeated, a key appears and the player has to make their way back to the ship to complete the level.
Completing this project was a great accomplishment for me because it was the initiation of what I have dreamed of: a game designer. The success of this project also inspired me to start conceptualizing and designing more unique projects. I am excited about my future game designing because I know my projects will continue improving because I will remain committed, focused, and willing to put in the effort.